Thursday, June 12, 2014

What another shopping haul?

I've been going through some hard times and what helps is shopping. So I have another mini haul of things. First trip was to Marshall's with my sidekick Blaine. I saw a ton of stuff I wanted but I couldn't go to crazy. I got some tea tree oil which is good for acne. I added a few drops of oil to a mini spray bottle and added water to fill it up. I spray it on my face before bed and in the morning. I also use it to set my makeup. Next was a box of green tea. Green tea has a ton of health benefits so I try to drink a cup daily. On to Target.....I got the most adorable outfit for Audrey. It's the aqua one piece. I was in need of a boppy cover instead of the ugly dinosaur one I have. Love it! Essie nail polish in mint candy apple. Chocolate chips are always a must at our house. Last stop Children Place.... Not a huge fan of that place but got some cheap shades for my boys. Hubby came home from Gymboree with the nautical outfit for Audrey. Can you tell this girl is spoiled?



Notice the cute polka dot boppy cover?


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, girl. You'll look back on this in a few years and think that it wasn't such a big deal. Give everything to God. Let him handle it. I love your haul. I love that turquoise outfit and I dearly love the nautical outfit, too. So adorable. She is outfitted pretty cute for the first three months stage. Can we afford to get her a couple outfits a week for the next .......ummmm..............24 years???? My boys are so cute!!!


About Me

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I am a stay at home momma who dreams of becoming a chef. I also of course love making my house beautiful.