Saturday, March 12, 2011


Last night I went to Walgreens to get me some candy for my Friday night. When I saw the orange slices I grabbed them. My grandma Tucker always had them in her candy dish when we visited her in Arkansas. I would never buy them for the taste but because of the memory. Does that even make sense? So I bought them and put them in my candy dish. Makes me think of her everytime. What brings back memories for you?


  1. Ooh...banana bites. You know, the taffies that are individually wrapped - used to be paper, but now it's lame plastic. They were square and had a joke written on the inside. When I was a wee one, we would go to Gotebo, Oklahoma and visit my great grandma Haskins. We would visit the ONLY "store" in town and buy these for 5 cents a piece. We would get an entire bag full and go back to her house and eat them until we were sick laughing at the awesome - ridiculous - jokes. Loved it.

  2. Girl, you made me cry. My candy memory is getting a lemon drop (one) from my grandma Dawkins' candy dish. There were 5, one for me and each of my siblings. Grandpa D. had a roll of Life Savers. That meant two for each of us. He had them everytime they came which was everyday about 2:30. We loved it, but it sure disrupted mom's day which was always hectic with 5 little ones with an 8 year age span. Love you Shawna. Hope my boys have some memories at our house.


About Me

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I am a stay at home momma who dreams of becoming a chef. I also of course love making my house beautiful.